‘A faithful, welcoming and compassionate church for all.’
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Do you have a safeguarding concern?
If you are concerned about a child, young person or vulnerable adult please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Elizabeth Hancock on safeguardingstdunstancranbrook@gmail.com or 07786 318668. Alternatively the Safeguarding Advisers for Canterbury Diocese can give expert and immediate support: their contact details are here.
General enquiries - Parish Administrator
St Dunstan's Parish Office, Church House, Stone Street
Cranbrook, TN17 3HA
Julie Warman - Telephone: 01580 715861
Email: office@stdunstanscranbrook.org.uk
Church House Office Hours
Mondays and Tuesdays: 9.00am-12.00pm
Wednesdays: 9.00am-3.00pm
The Revd Richard King
07748 153451
Andrew Gasson 01580 481996
Nye Jones 07432 571321
Assistant Churchwarden (in emergency)
David Beeken - Telephone: 01580 712561
* * * *
Parish Safeguarding Officer
Elizabeth Hancock - Telephone:
Email: safeguardingstdunstancranbrook@gmail.com
Email: stdunstanstreas@gmail.com
John Mulrenan
Disabled parking bays are located outside the Vestry Hall at the foot of the Church Steps