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Children and their families

Everyone, of every age, is welcome to come and join us for all our activities. 
If you have young children and you worry about them making noise on a Sunday morning, please know that the 'noise' of children is a gift to the church, not a distraction! We want to be a church family that welcomes children (really, everyone) the way Jesus welcomes everyone.
Messy Church


What is Messy Church? We come together for a time of  crafts and activities, followed by some teaching and celebration on the theme of the day.Then we all have a meal together.


Messy Church resumes for 2025  on February 7th. We are looking forward to seeing you and catching up with everyone.  


We start as usual from 3.15pm. Our theme is 'Love and Caring'.


It would help us enormously if you can please register. This will help us ensure we have enough resources/food and volunteers to match the numbers coming. The link is below : ) 


Feb 7th Messy Church registration 


Thanks for your help.


If you have any questions please feel free to email on


We look forward very much to seeing you soon.


Messy Church normally takes place in St Dunstan's  on the second Friday of each month from 3.30pm - 5.30pm.  Please check this website and our Facebook page  for updated information.

Tots Plus


Tots Plus is a warm and friendly toddler/preschool group where all Parents, Grandparents and carers are welcome. There is always a warm welcome and a friendly smile and more than likely a slice of cake. Come and let the children play and make some new friends.


Church House Friday Mornings ( Term time only) 8.30 am - 11.00 am


We look forward to meeting you.

Weald Family Hub


There is an epidemic of mental ill health amongst young people today. Research from Public Health England suggests that 1 in 10 young people have a diagnosed mental illness. 1 in 10 self harm. 75% of those who need professional support will not receive it.


Locally, many of us have been personally affected by the issues of mental illness, anxiety and self harm amongst our own children, and those of friends and school mates. We know that these issues can only be faced and overcome as a community - no individual person or group has the whole answer. The Weald Family Hub is a local community response to this challenge. It brings local churches, schools and individuals together with Fegans, a highly respected charity that specialises in working with teenage mental illness.
The Hub will do two things: first to raise money to subsidise local schools to be able to access counselling for children who are in need of expert support; secondly to run a variety of parent support schemes to help parents and families as we bring children up in a complex and rapidly changing world. 

To read more click the GK Church logo.


Please contact us for further information about any of our activities for young people and children.

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