‘A faithful, welcoming and compassionate church for all.’
Watch our services live on Youtube.
Click here for our YouTube channel
Do you have a safeguarding concern?
If you are concerned about a child, young person or vulnerable adult please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Elizabeth Hancock on safeguardingstdunstancranbrook@gmail.com or 07786 318668. Alternatively the Safeguarding Advisers for Canterbury Diocese can give expert and immediate support: their contact details are here.
Messy Church is back!
Messy Church is back after the August break.
Our theme tomorrow is 'Jesus - the Good Shepherd'.
Messy Church starts with an opening time of worship and teaching about the theme of the day, followed by crafts and activities about the theme. We end together with a meal.
It's all too exciting for words.
Messy Church is free and you are most welcome to come along.